Lettering and art direction consulting for "Attention Ça Glyphe !"
a Youtube show about Typography and Graphic design.
Here are a few propositions I made, as well as the final branding
and implimentations by the show's creator, Manon Van der Borght.
a Youtube show about Typography and Graphic design.
Here are a few propositions I made, as well as the final branding
and implimentations by the show's creator, Manon Van der Borght.

My quite messy first drafts and propositions for the main lettering.

As the show focuses on explaining the intricacies of typography to a mainstream audience, my main proposal was to present the modular lettering
as a set of plastic tubes that anyone could assemble and play around with.
as a set of plastic tubes that anyone could assemble and play around with.

Above is my branding and opening sequence storyboard proposition.
Here is the final branding and opening sequence designed and animated
by Manon Van der Borght. I proposed using parts of the modular lettering
as little animated elements to take advantage of its playfulness.
by Manon Van der Borght. I proposed using parts of the modular lettering
as little animated elements to take advantage of its playfulness.

Underneath you'll find the final branding colors and fonts
picked by Manon Van der Borght.
picked by Manon Van der Borght.

And finally, the new episode of Attention Ça Glyphe !
Thank you! :)